Naftolijs Gutmanis (1938)
Graphic artist. Born in family of artist Solomon Gutman. Uncle Simon Gutmanis - cartoonist. Sister Asya Gutmane - pianist. In 1963 he graduated from the graphics department of LGHA; Diploma - etchings series "Portraits of young builders" (head of work A. Apinis). He participates in exhibitions since 1963; solo exhibition in Italy in 1991. Member of the Artists` Union since 1968.
In easel graphic mainly works in classical technique of etching, which is often complemented using restrained colors and tonal enriches using aquatint. He creates an intimate, emotionally painted atmospheric landscapes with small romantic notes ( "Old Town", 1970; "Landscape with a Bridge", 1980; "Autumn Mist", "Vidzemes` motive", both in 1982; the triptych "Behinde the brick garage wall" 1984). In still lifes focuses on simple objects beauty and harmony ("Still Life with Mandolin", 1969; "Still Life with dry leaves", 1979; "Still life with crayfish", 1980; "Still Life", 1990). Also he works in the portrait genre. In Gutmanns` creative work an important role takes series of self-portraits works, which is characterized by a poetic, lightly ironically images. ( "Self-portrait" 1969, 1980, 1990; "Self-Portrait in hat", 1985).
Used literature:
“Māksla un arhitektūra biogrāfijās” Atb. red. A. Vilsons – Rīga, 1995 – 2. sēj. 189.lpp. Gūtmanis Naftolijs, L. Reihmane