If you want to sell or simply find out the current market value of the works of art you own, we can evaluate them for free.
Please call +371 29210081 or send an e-mail to gallery.antonia@gmail.com, or fill out the offer form below.
We are particularly interested in the works of the following authors - A. Bauskenieks, M. Tabaka, I. Poikans, H. Silins, G. Muiznieks, I. Zarins, A. Zarina, K. Zarins K. Padegs, L. Svemps, B. Berzins, J. Rosenthal, K. Rozens, J. Klevers, H. Dontsovs, N. Bogdanov-Belskis Porcelain of Baltars, Burtnieks, Ripors, M. Zaurs
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