Lot 13 - Boris Pomortsev (1932)
250 EUR
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Kondopoga, oil/canvas, 80x80cm, 1993.
People's artist of Russia. Born in Okha, on Sakhalin island. Educated in the Irkutsk art school (1948 – 1952). The artist's works took part in all-Union, all-Russian and Karelian exhibitions since 1957. Exhibition "Russian North". The artist's works were exhibited in Bulgaria, Vietnam, Germany, Poland, Romania, Norway, Finland, Czechoslovakia.
Painter, landscape painter, is engaged in thematic, household genres. Born in the city of Okha, Sakhalin region. in 1932 he Graduated from the Irkutsk art school (1947-1952). Honored artist of Kazakhstan (1978), honored artist of Russia (1985), people's artist of Russia (2000), laureate of the state prize of the RK (1991). Member of the CX (1962).
Works: "the Sabbath day" (1961), "Noon" (1963), "Zaonezhye" (1965), "Bani fueled" (1968), "Prionezhye" (1969), "In the land of the lake" (1970), "the light Keeper", "the Karelian land" (1972), "Zaonezhye", "Zaozerye" (1973), "August" (1977), "May night" (1979), "the Onega true story," "Sons. The forty-first" (1984), "Pomor village" (1987), "white sea canal. Rally" (1989-1992), "Kem" (1995).
Exhibitions: all-Union (1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1972, 1976, 1977, 1979, 1984), Russian (1961, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1970, 1972, 1975, 1977, 1980, 1984, 1985, 1987), artists of Kazakhstan in Moscow (1971, 1989), and Leningrad (1972, 1980), autonomy (1971, 1989), North-64-89, of artists of Kazakhstan – since 1957, the group "Russian North" (1971), in East Germany (Neubrandenburg– 1972, 1977, 1983, 1985), Finland (Varkaus – 1966, 1972, Kemi, Rovaniemi – 1969), personal – Petrozavodsk (1970, 1983, 1993), Moscow (1983), Helsinki (1992), risør (Norway, 1994, 1996).
Location of works: timing, CMII, kgcm, Kizhi, MK, RF, HF artists Union of Russia, Union of artists of RK, the Central Museum of the Armed forces, Murmansk, Arkhangelsk, Kiev, Vladimir, Museum of realist art state ut (salt lake city, USA).