
Rodins Aleksandrs

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Aleksandr Rodin (1922-2001)

Painter Born in a family of farmers. Wife Rasma Lace - art scholar. Studied at the Stalingrad School of Art, Saratov Art School, graduated from the Department of Painting of LVMA, the diploma work "To Hunting", the head of diploma work V. Kozins. Participant of the second world war, was awarded with several medals. He has worked at various Riga secondary schools as a drawing teacher at J. Rozentals' Riga Secondary School of Art as a specialist teacher. Participated in exhibitions since 1956; an active participant in the group's art exhibitions, participant of the Great Patriotic War. Member of Artists` Unions since 1959.

Worked in figurative and landscape painting. In the figurative compositions he turned to the themes of war and rural life. Particularly talented show himself in the field of landscape painting (Nomale, 1979, "Evening in the Old Town", 1981; "In the Old Ilguciems", 1984; "After the Rain", 1987; "The Old Boat", "The Lost House", both in 1988) Rodin works masculine sensual painting, dominated by a simple, laconic, logically constructed composition and rich with dramatic color contrasts.


Used information:
„Māksla un arhitektūra biogrāfijās”, 2. sēj., - R.: „Latvijas enciklopēdija”, 1996., 225.-226. lpp., I. Burāne