
Pigoznis Jazeps

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Jazeps Pigoznis (1934-2014)

Born in 1934. Professional training – Janis Rozentals Art School of Riga (1948 – 1953), Latvian Academy of Arts, Painting Department (1953 – 1959) – under the supervision of Prof. E. Kalnins.

Has been contributing to exhibitions since 1958. Member of Latvian Artists' Union since 1964. Member of Association "B – 13 " (1993 - 1998) since 1993.

Has had more than twenty five solo shows in Latvia and beyond her borders. Has participated regularly in group exhibitions in Riga, Moscow, Germany, Russia, Belorussia, Poland, Lithuania, Luxembourg, USA, Belgium, Ukraine, Estonia, Sweden, Rumania, Azerbaijan Czechoslovakia Netherlands, Mongolia, France, Spain and elsewhere.

One man shows 1997 -Parex bank, "Filip", Rainis' Museum of Literature and Art History, gallery A. Suna in Riga and solo show in Ventspils.

One man shows 1996 - at Rigas Komercbanka in Riga, in Preili, in Limbazi

His works are to be found in the collections of the State Art Museum and Latvian Artists' Union, in the Wroclav Medal Art Museum in Poland, Kazanlick Art Gallery in Bulgaria, Byelorussia State Art Gallery in Minsk, Perm State Art Gallery, Rezekne Art Museum and other places, as well as in private collections in Latvia and in many foreign countries.

Has received more than twenty different awards in international art exhibitions. Currently professor at the Latvian Academy of Arts.


"One should not forget that art is in danger of being ruled by fashion, power and money."