Internet auction #113

Item #181

KPM - A couple of vases, Germany, h 5 x 8 cm
KPM - A couple of vases, Germany, h 5 x 8 cm KPM - A couple of vases, Germany, h 5 x 8 cm

Lot 181

KPM - A couple of vases, Germany, h 5 x 8 cm

Starting price: 4 EUR

Hammer price: 4 EUR ...

Bids: 1

Last bid: 2023-06-04 19:46:35

Lot closing: 2023-06-04 21:30:00 (GMT+2)

Lot has ended, bidding is closed

Lot 181, EUR 4 bidder N1, 2023-06-04 19:46:35

#113 Auction has ended.

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