Internet auction #95

Item #426

Tray, porcelain, Europe, decal with gilding 48x27.5 cm
Tray, porcelain, Europe, decal with gilding 48x27.5 cm Tray, porcelain, Europe, decal with gilding 48x27.5 cm Tray, porcelain, Europe, decal with gilding 48x27.5 cm Tray, porcelain, Europe, decal with gilding 48x27.5 cm

Lot 426

Tray, porcelain, Europe, decal with gilding 48x27.5 cm

Starting price: 30 EUR

Hammer price: - EUR ...

Bids: 0

Last bid: -

Lot closing: 2021-09-28 22:46:15 (GMT+2)

Lot has ended, bidding is closed

#95 Auction has ended.

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