Ieva Krumina
1992-1993 Latvian Academy of Arts, Master
1984-1989 Latvian Academy of Arts, Textile Department
1979-1983 Riga Applied Art School
Professor, Latvian Academy of Arts, Textile Department
Latvian Artists' Union
Latvian Association Textileartist
American Textile Alliance
2009. First Prize VI International Biennale Miniature textiles, Lithuania
2007. Special category of Korea International Biennale, Cheongju, South Korea
2007. Recognition Award 7th International Baltic Triennial Miniature textiles Gdansk, Poland
2007. Audience Award in the International Biennial of contemporary lace Heidelberg, Germany
2005. Latvian book art contest, 2nd place
2004. Recognition Awards 6th International Baltic Triennial Miniature textiles Gdansk, Poland
2004. Latvian book art contest, 2nd place
2003. Latvian book art contest, 1st place
1998. Awards at the exhibition''Riga in Contemporary Art''
1995. Baltic Book Arts Competition, Tallinn, Estonia
His works are: Latvian Art Fund, Applied Arts and Design Museum in Riga, the Riga History and Navigation Museum, Museum of Art in Jurmala, Riga's commercial banks, private Latvian, Germany, UK, USA, Norway, Finland, Netherlands, Taiwan, Austria, Belgium, etc.
2001. Residence Gastatelier-Maltator, Gmund, Austria
1996. Residence at the College of Art in Portland Oregon, USA
Major exhibitions:
2010. 8. International Miniature textiles Baltic Triennale. Gdansk, Poland
2010. Personal "My gravity" gallery "White" in Kaunas, Lithuania
2010. 4. European International Textile Exhibition "Tradition & Innovation", Riga, Latvian
2009. Miniature textiles international exhibition devoted to Astronomy for Como (Italy)
2009. Latvian Association of Textile Exhibition XIV St. Peter's Church in Riga
2009. Miniature textiles International Exhibition of the Century and the moments of the "Gallery" Gates "in Vilnius, Lithuania
2009. Solo with Roland Krutovu "Inner Sanctum" gallery "apse" in Riga
2009. Textile Art Exhibition "untapped" Museum of Foreign Art in Riga
2009. The exhibition "Intimate" Decorative Arts and Design Riga
2009. The exhibition "The common thread" Latvian / German / Afghan project
2009. Miniature textiles Mencendorf Exhibition Hall in Riga
2008. Baltic Triennial Miniature textiles Martha Gault galiery in Slippery Rock, USA
2008. "Cloth and Culture Today," International Contemporary Exhibition of Textile Seinsberijas Centre for Contemporary Art, Norwich, Manchester, England
2007. International Biennial of Korea, Cheongju, South Korea
2007. "Creative Printing. Handwriting." Decorative Art and Design Museum, Riga, Latvian
2007. Latvian Textile Exhibition Istanbul, Turkey
2007. Solo show "Silk fiber and" gallery "XX" (with Ruta Linīti) Panevezys, Lithuania
2007. Miniature textiles International Exhibition Filare il Tempo ", Como, Italy
2007. 3. European International Textile Exhibition "Tradition & Innovation", Riga, Latvian
2007. "Baltic Way", Group Exhibition of Applied Arts Gallery in Cardiff, Wales
2007. 12. International Textile Triennial in Lodz, Poland
2007. 12. Latvian Textile Art Association Exhibition of Decorative Arts and Design Museum
2007. "Reflections of Light" group exhibition Jēkabpils History Museum, Latvian
2007. 7. international Baltic Triennial Miniatūrtekstīliju. Gdansk, Poland
2007. "Silk'' and ''Porcelain'' gallery Sidegunde (solo with too Seglins)
2006-2008. International Contemporary Lace Biennial, Brussels, Heidelberg, Angers, Riga
2006. International Symposium batik exhibition in Druskininkai, Lithuania
2006. Earth''Edge''(solo show) Gallery''House "in Liepaja
2006. Group exhibition in Cultural Center Plunge, Lithuania
2006. Feeling of''Garden''(solo) Gallery "Apsida", Riga
2006. 4.Tallinas Applied Art Triennial, Estonia
2005. Tapestry-2'',''Metamorphosis Tapestry Art of the past and today in Budapest
2005. 4. International Biennial of Miniatūrtekstīliju''Open Letter ", Lithuania
2004. - 2005. 5 Americas Textile Biennial, Denver, USA
2004. 6. Miniature textiles Baltic Triennale. Gdansk, Poland
2004. 2.Eiropas Textile Exhibition''Tradition & Innovation'', Riga, Latvian
2004. Latvian textile''Spain'', Seville, Spain
2004. International Exhibition of Contemporary Textile Art''from the''Lausanne to Beijing, Shanghai
2003. Axes''symmetry''(solo) Gallery ''Apsida", Riga
2003. International Textile Triennial in''Right and Wrong Sides'', Kaunas, Lithuania
2002. The international symposium "Dialogue''an exhibition of Latvian Art Academy, Riga
2002. Latvian Textile Exhibition in Moscow, Russia
2001. 10th International Textile Triennial in Lodz, Poland
2001. ''Migrants''(solo show) Gallery "Apsida", Riga
2009. International china painting symposium Alberta 13th Artists' in Riga
2006. International Symposium on Batik and silk-screening Druskininkai, Lithuania
2002. International Art Symposium on "Dialogue" Zvartava, Latvian
1998. International Symposium on china painting Zvartava, Latvian
1996. International Nordic and Baltic Art University Students and teachers Symposium on Muhu Island, Estonia
1991. International Textile Symposium Dzintari, Latvian