Izabella Varzapetova (1931-2000)
Graphics artist. Born in ethnic Armenian officer's family. 1939 studied in School of Printing at Kalinin. In 1941 with her mother and brother evacuated to the Urals. After the second World War, the family moved to Riga. Graduated JRRAS (1953), AAL Graphics department (1959); diploma - etching cycle based on A.Upīša novel "The Turn of the century” motives (leader. A. Apinis). Participated in exhibitions since 1959. Member of the Artists' Union since 1964. Cinema "Aina" artist (1960-69). Illustrated schoolbooks. In easel graphic focused on portraits, still lifes, genre scenes, created stylized, decorative figures which was combined in a single rhythm. Used the linocut ("Fishing men", 1963; "After a workout," 1966), etching ("Break", 1978), lithography and watercolor ("Piebalgs', 1960) techniques.
Used literature:
„Māksla un arhitektūra biogrāfijās”, 4. sēj., - R.: „Latvijas enciklopēdija”, 2003., A. Vanaga, 26-27. lpp.