Valdemars Teodors Tone
Born on March 28, 1892 in Annenieki district (Latvia), died on July 30, 1958 in London.
Studied at the Riga City Art School (1909 or 1911-1915), Art School in Penza (1915-1916). A Member of the Green Flower artists' group (1914-1915), Riga Artists' Group (1920-1924), “Sadarbs” artists' society (1924-1925), and Mukusala group (1934-1938). Teacher at his private art studio in Riga (1919-1923); Head of the Portrait Painting class (1925-1932) and the Nude Painting (1932-1944) at the Latvian Academy of Arts. Widely known for his portraits (mostly female images), still lifes, he made large-size charcoal drawings on canvas.
In 1944, he emigrated to Germany and since 1949 lived in London.
References: Voldemars Tone / Representative album. Riga, 1943; A. Eglitis. Voldemars Tone. Riga, 1944; Latvian Fine Arts in 1860 - 1940. Riga, 1986; J. Silins. Latvian Art in 1915 - 1940, I. Stockholm, 1988; Latvian State Academy of Arts / Compiled by I . Burane. Riga, 1989; Unerwartete Begegnung: lettische Avantgarde: 1910 - 1935. Köln,1990; E. Klavins. Latvian Portrait Painting in 1850-1916. Riga, 1996.