Mikhail Tikhonov (1958)
1958 born in Moscow, Russia.
1984 graduated from the Moscow Art School named after 19005 year.
1990 graduated from the Surikov Moscow State Institute of Arts .
1992 member of Moscow Union of Artists.
1992-1995 granted the stipend in Russian Academy of Art.
1993 rewarded (diploma) by the Russian Academy of Art for the set of graphic works.
1993, 1997 personal exhibitions of works in the Central Moscow House of Artists.
1995 exhibition in Russian Academy of Art.
1996 exhibition in Bregans, Austria
1999 ARTManeg.
2000 exhibition in the Maneg Gallery, Moscow.
2001 personal exhibitions in Biennale of gradfic arts in Novosibirsk.
---- exebition in the “Kusnetsky most 20” Moscow.
2002 personal exhibitions in the Bank Antoniana Polane Veneta, Bolonia, Italy.
2003 “50 nudes” personal exhibitions in the Maneg Gallery, Moscow.
2005 “Two lines” Theatre”Shoule of the drama art” Moscow.
---- ARTLondon. London.
---- “M.Tikhonov,E.Utenkova”. Chento.Italy.
2006 “Russian culture and art” Viterbo Italy.
---- “ My line” Vrublevskay gallery. Moscow.
2007 “M. Tikhonov. E.Utenkova” ARTMuseum. Tarusa. Russia.
2008 Personal exhibit. New Maneg. Museum-midnight. Moscow
2009 « M.Tikhonov Nudes» Marsel. France
2009 “The heirs of the Russian avant-garde: in lookout for a new spirituality” Monaco.
2010 “Nile, Tiber and Euphrates.” New Maneg Moscow
2011 "Paris, hwo is always with you" EXPO-88 Moscow
2011 "Russian Nile" Theatre "Shoule of the drama art" Moscow
2011 personal exhibitions EHPO-88 Moscow
2013 "Without shores" State Art museum A.N.Radishev, Saratov
The State Russian Museum, Saint Petersburg, Russia, Saratov Radishev State Art Museum, Saratov, Russia and in some museums and private collections in Russian, Europe and USA.
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