Janis Ferdinands Tidemanis (1897-1964)
At the age of 14 Janis Tidemanis as a ship boy went to Arhangelsk, and after that to the USA, where he learned in New York and Cleveland schools of art for a while (in Cleveland two years (since 1912) he learned with the Professor Nagi).
In 1920 he returned to Latvia, Riga.
In 1922, the artist went to Belgium together with his wife. He graduated from the Royal Art Academy of Antwerp (1927) and achieved a portrait and figurative compositions painter degree with his diploma work “Sad”. Tidemanis improved his skills at the Highest Art Institute of Antwerp with I. Opsomer, and at the same time he also mastered ofort technique.
His paintings were strongly influenced by Opsomer and Ensor.
In 1936, artist returned to Riga.
In 1944, he emigrated to Germany, after that to Switzerland, in 1948 – to Montreal, Canada, but in 1953 – he moved to Toronto.
Tidemanis took part in exhibitions since 1928. Solo exhibitions were organized in Riga (1929, 1931, 1932, 1933, 1936, 1937, 1938), Antwerp (1931, 1932, 1936), Kaunas, Paris (both in 1931), Tallinn (1936) and Canada. Memorial exhibitions were organized in Toronto (1969), Riga (1982, 1997) and Valmiera (1987).
The artist painted big cities – Riga, Amsterdam, Brussels, port views, carnivals, markets, views of inns, portraits, nudes and still life.
He got 1st prize in Belgium (exposition of 10th Olympic games in Los Angeles), for his work “Swimmers over the canal” in 1932. Tidemanis got a grant in Belgium’s jubilee (100 years) exhibition for painting “Spring” in 1934. He fitted out Latvian pavilion in the World exhibition of household achievements, and got Grand Prix diploma for wall paintings in 1935. The artist was awarded with Belgium king’s Leopold II order in 1936.