Georg Shenberg (1915.6.I Riga - 1989.21.IV Riga)
1920-1932 with family lived in Daugavpils. Shenberg studied in the Latvia Art academy (1933-1942, with interruptions). He was a member of Artists Union (since 1971).
1923 – 1929 – learning at 2 first School
1923 – 1929 – learning at 2 first School
1929 – 1932 – learning at State Gimnasium, 1933 – graduating of Riga’s 4 Gimnasium.
1933 – 1942 – studies at Academy of Art in Latvia;
1937 – Recalling of 1 degree at the act studies in drawing and painting and at 1940 the soviet of Academy motion him leave Art Academy.
1944 – Calling to the German Army
1945 – 1946 – the filtration camp at the Komi APSR
After coming in Latvia he lived at Tukums and Riga.
Since 1971 he is member of Artist’s Union.
Artist took part at the exhibitions since 1966.
Solo exhibitions:
1988, 1989 – Riga.
Memorial exhibitions:
1989, 1993, 1996 – Riga
1995 – Valmiera, “The drawings”
Group exhibitions:
1966, 1967 – took part at the republican’s aquarelle exhibitions.
- At the Tukum’s artist’s exhibitions since 1968.
- At the Art Day’s exhibition’s at Tukums and Riga since 1969.
- At the Republican’s Visual Art exhibitions since at Riga in 1979.
- “The Art from Soviet Latvia” at Leningrad – 1983 and Moscow – 1984.
- “Lettische Kunst Heute” – at West – Berlin 1988.
“The painting of last year’s in Latvia” – Riga, 1991.
“Celaposms. 1945 – 1996” Riga, Latvia – 1993.
“The time of personality – Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian art at 1945 – 1996” Warsaw and St. Petersburg – 1996.
Senbergs is one from Socialism period’s idiomatic and separated artist’s in Latvia. He disregarded the esthetic, what was connected with Soviet ideology, at all. Painter was a very good colorist and painted still life’s, landscapes, portrait’s and act’s. Artist united oil color with aquarelle, tempera, wax tempera, collage and other technique and used unconventional formats. Very important at Senberg’s paintings are drawing with fine “construction” and line.
Artist made regular correspondence with painter K. Neilis at Austria and got a information about world art processes.
His artistic heritage is approximately 100 paintings, aquarelles, drawings and more sketches.
He awarded with Artist’s Union medal and diploma for better artistical devotion at art in 1987, 1988.
1) "Māksla un arhitektūra biogrāfijās" Atb. red. A.Vanaga - R.: a/s "Preses nams", 2000-3.sēj.;
2) "Latviešu Padomju glezniecība" M.Ivanovs, R.Lāce - R.:"Liesma", 1985.