Grosete (Grosset) Margota Harieta (1887 19 I Riga – 1937 8 XI Riga) – The Baltic German artist, painter, graphic artist.
Her father was a founder and owner of the publisher house “A Grosets”. She studied at the Copenhagen’s and Dresden’s Art Academy (1909 –1912) and graduated with excellence. Since 1912 she preceded the education at the Art Academy of Vienna.
1919. Bolshevik’s killed her father and she returned to Latvia and take over the guidance of the publisher house (1920).
She takes the part at the Viennese secession’s exhibitions and at exhibitions in Riga.
At her creative work she took attention to the landscapes and still life’s, mainly in aquarelle technique and miniature paintings, drawing of the figures and graphic works to the necessarily to Publisher house.
Hagen K. Lexikon deutschbaltischer bildender Kunstler. Koln, 1983.
„Māksla un arhitektūra biogrāfijās”, 1. part., - R.: „Latvijas enciklopēdija”, 1995.,- V. Opule,