Karlis Brencens (1897.6.V – 1951.30.IV)
Karlis Brencens graduated Stiglic Central drawing school in Petersburg (1903).
He took part in activities of artist group “Rukis”.
Artist improved in Goden studio of glass painting in Paris, he listened course of anatomy in Paris Art academy and lectures of art history in Luvre Art School.
K. Brencens visited France, Spain, England, Holland, Germany.
In 1907 – 1920 he lived in Petersburg and directed studio of glass painting (formed by himself) in Stiglic Central drawing school.
In 1920 he returned to Latvia, in 1923 artist started to work in Latvia Art academy, where he teached different subjects till 1950.
K. Brencens took part in exhibitions since 1902.
Personal exhibitions were organized in Paris (1906), Cesis (1922), Riga (1924).
Memorial exhibitions – in Riga (1979, together with A. Strals, I. Zeberins, A. Dzenis), Madliena (1979).
Artist took part in artists association “Sadarbs”. He also was a member of Artists Union (since 1944).