
Bredow Albert

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Albert  Bredow (1828-1899) - Artist was born in Germany.

He was a landscape painter and the decorator of theater.

1852 – 1855 – Worked at Riga as a theater decorator, later at Revel and Moscow.

1868 – At the St. Petersburg Art Academy.

He painted German, Latvian and Russian landscapes.

Albert Bredow. 1828 Deutschland - 1899 Moskau. Painter, lithograph and theater decorator. War 1852-55 in Riga, kurz in Reval, hauptsächlich aber in Moskau tätig, wo er an zahlreichen Ausstattungen für das Bolschoi-Theater beteiligt war.

Marine painting with shipping in rough seas off a mountainous coast  created in the end of 19 century by russian-german  ltheater and landscape  painter, lithographer   Albert Bredow (1828 Germany -1899 Moscow). In 1852-1855 he worked as decoration painter in Riga, later in Tallinn. Till 1896 he was a stage designer of the Moscow theatres; taken part in the equipment of many  performances of the Bol´soj theatre also. (1854 to M.I. Glinka \"Zizn ´ za carja\", in 1857 sketches (\"Al´bom k opere ´ Zizn ´ za carja ´\", StP. 1863; A.S. Dargomyzsskij, Rusalka, 1859; Ch.Gounod, Romeo and Julia, 1896). Also he worked  for the Mariinskij theatre in St..Petersburg (e.g. to C.Pugni, Konek Gorbunok, 1864). - Bredow´s works were in the tradition \"romantic\" scenery in the pseudorussian style. Also his land and seascapes . in oil and watercolour (among other landscapes  around Frankfurt/M. as well as russian  motives ) and prints  (Portr. of Aleksandr II. and Marija Aleksandrovna, 1865,together. with Johan Henric Stroemer). Works situated in Moscow, Bachrusin-Theater-Museum.